Transparense project was presented at the European Utility Week in Vienna on 4 November 2015. The...
Brand new data have been added into the existing EPC Market Databases which can be found in the...
The European Federation of Intelligent Energy Efficiency Services (EFIEES) and the European...



European Utility Week

Transparense project was presented at the European Utility Week in Vienna on 4 November 2015. The presentation "European EPC Markets and the Code of Conduct as a first step towards harmonisation and standardisation" was held by the Transparense co-ordinator Jana Szomolanyiova and can be downloaded here. She also contributed with the project experiences to the panel discussion: Contract complexity, how to reach standardisation?



New results of EPC market survey 2015

Brand new data have been added into the existing EPC Market Databases which can be found in the website´s menu:

The data draws from a new 2015 Transparense survey distributed to European countries' most relevant energy services companies and EPC market facilitators. Altogether, 112 EPC providers and facilitators from 20 countries across Europe filled in the survey including the largest EPC providers. The survey had been made available online  in order to make the distribution process as easy as possible.

The new survey represents a follow-up to the survey carried out in 2013 aimed at obtaining information on the EPC market in the EU. The survey again covers four key areas: existing ESCOs and national EPC market, EPC models, financing models and policy initiatives.

Thanks to the same survey design, comparisons between the years 2013 and 2015 can be made easily. A summary on the new data and the development since the last survey is being prepared and will be published soon.


EFIEES and eu.esco administer the European Code of Conduct for EPC

The European Federation of Intelligent Energy Efficiency Services (EFIEES) and the European Association of Energy Service Companies (eu.esco) become official European co-administrators of the European Code of Conduct for Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) as of 1st September 2015.

The European Code of Conduct for EPC (EPC Code of Conduct) has been developed within the project Transparense1 co-funded by the Intelligent Energy Europe Programme of the European Union. The EPC Code of Conduct is a voluntary commitment which defines the basic values and principles that are considered fundamental for the successful preparation and implementation of EPC projects within European countries.

The EPC Code of Conduct already has a significant number of signatories across Europe2 and is being put into practice. It has been successfully used to introduce clients to the EPC concept and has been seen as a unique selling proposition.

"The main role of the European Code of Conduct for EPC is to bring confidence to the EPC market in the EU, taking into account its variety across Member States," says Valérie Plainemaison, Secretary General of the European Federation of Intelligent Energy Efficiency Services (EFIEES).

"It is a positive sign towards the market and a resilient foundation for long-term business development," says Volker Dragon, Chairman of the European Association of Energy Service Companies (eu.esco).

As a proven energy service model, EPC offers the opportunity to make a significant contribution in meeting the EU's carbon and energy targets.


Notes for editors:

The European Federation of Intelligent Energy Efficiency Services (EFIEES) represents private companies (Energy Efficiency Services Companies, EESCs) providing an overall energy management service to end users. Website: www.efiees.eu

The European Association of Energy Service Companies (eu.esco) was founded in 2009 by the European Building Automation and Controls Association (eu.bac). Website: www.euesco.org

For more information, please contact:

EFIEES: Katarzyna Wardal | +32 2 230 65 50 | katarzyna.wardal@efiees.eu

eu.esco: Andrei Litiu | +32 2 706 82 02 | andrei.litiu@eubac.org

1 The EPC Code of Conduct is available on Transparense project's website: www.transparense.eu

2 For the time being, there are 161 signatories in Europe: 118 EPC providers, 12 associations of EPC providers and 31 other entities operating on the EPC market.


Transparense presented in Brussels

European Code of Conduct for EPC and other Transparense project main outcomes have been presented on Public workshop on innovative financing for energy efficiency and renewables on 28 April 2015 in Brussels organised by the EASME - Executive Agency for Small and Medium Enterprises of the European Commission. See the presentation here.

Up-scaling investments in energy efficiency and renewables is a major challenge to meet the European Union's energy and climate targets for 2030. Lack of public resources requires new approaches to investment. Local and regional authorities have a key role to play in mobilising stakeholders, developing projects pipelines and creating the business case for attracting private investment.

This shift to innovative financing approaches is supported by the European Union's Project Development Assistance (PDA) facilities such as ELENA Intelligent Energy Europe PDA funding to launch up to EUR 4 billion of investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy, focused on existing public and private buildings, street lighting, district heating and clean urban transport. Most PDA projects are developing innovative solutions to finance investments through private capital in a sustainable manner.

The workshop focused on operational solutions implemented by local and regional authorities when developing a pipeline of investments, as well as the achievements of on-going projects focused on innovative financing approaches.


33 new signatories

On 31 March 33 parties have signed the European Code of Conduct for Energy Performance Contracting, a set of guidelines, values and principles that are fundamental for a successful implementation of  EPC projects (EPCs) in Europe. The Code of Conduct was developed within the IEE project ‘Transparense’ with partners from 20 different EU countries. ECN represents the Netherlands in this project.


“ECN has introduced the code in the Netherlands and cooperates with ESCoNetwerk.nl to ensure that as many companies as possible adopt the code. The fact that so many new companies have endorsed the code is good news for clients of EPC providers. They have gained a better understanding of what to expect and demand from EPC-providers”, says Marijke Menkveld, senior consultant at ECN.

The companies that have endorsed the Code of Conduct are recognized parties in de ESCo industry, a.o.: Cofely, BAM, Strukton, Eneco, Siemens, Honeywell, Ovvia, Veolia, GETEC, Greenfox and in the real estate and financial sector such as CBRE Global Investors, Schiphol Real Estate, Energiefonds Overijssel and the ASN Bank.

EPCs are a relatively new and smart way to achieve energy savings in real estate. The contracts include a commitment to guaranteed energy savings for several years. The client and supplier (the Energy Service Company) come to an agreement on the sustainability (measures, guarantees, refunds, etc.). ESCo’s remain involved in the project for a longer period of time and retrieve their investments from the realised energy savings. This way ESCo’s can enable the client to focus on their core business.


Energy Performance Contracts require a non-traditional relationship between contractor and client, for long-term partnerships require different behaviour and a new mindset. Therefore the European Code of Conduct for Energy Performance Contracts was developed; EPC providers who are signatories of the EPC Code are committed to carry out EPC projects in accordance with the principles of the Code of Conduct.


EPC erfaringsseminar

Det arrangeres i vår et nytt erfaringsseminar om EPC:


23. april i Kristiansand - se program og meld deg på!



Høsten 2014 arrangerte vi to seminarer:


5.november i Østfold - se program


11.desember i Akershus/Oslo - se program


Markedsrapport om europeiske energientreprenører (ESCO's) tilgjengelig nå

EUs DG JRC analyserer og forsker på aktivitetene til og utviklingen hos energientreprenører som del av programmet "Scientific & Technical Reference System on Renewable Energy and Energy End-use Efficiency" for å finne detaljert informasjon til politikere, eksperter og andre interesserte aktører. Den nyester markedsrapporten for EUs medlemsland og naboland i forhold til markedssituasjonen i 2013 er nå tilgjengelig.

Rapporten konkluderer med at det nå ser ut som om målet for 2020 om energieffektivitet vil bli oppnådd. EU kommisjonen planlegger ikke nye tiltak, men ber medlemslandene opprettholde sin nåværende innsats for å sikre at 2020-målene nås. Kommisjonen vil komplementere disse tiltakene med veiledning og informasjonsspredning om gode eksempler for å sikre best mulig utnyttelse av tilgjengelige EU-midler.

Kommisjonens markedsføring av politisk rammeverk for klima- og energimål for 2030 identifiserte et nivå for energisparing på 25% som del av en strategi om å oppnå målet om 40% reduksjon i drivhusgassutslipp mest mulig kostnadseffektivt. Økt fokus på EUs energisikkerhet og mindre avhengighet av import har gjort at kommisjonen finner det relevant å foreslå et mål på 30%. Dette vil øke kostnaden for 2030 rammeverket med 20 milliarder Euro årlig, men vil fortsatt gi betydelige økonomiske og energimessige fordeler.

Du kan laste ned hele rapporten her.


Code of Conduct for ESCO's: offisiell lansering på seminar 28.august i Brussels: meld deg på nå!

Code of Conduct ("Etniske retningslinjer") for EPC definerer et sett med fundamentale verdier som forventes av en energientreprenør (ESCO) i utvikling og gjennomføring av EPC prosjekter. Retningslinjene er en viktig forutsetning og kvalitetsmerke for entreprenørene som underskriver på at de vil bruke dem.

28.august organiserer Agoria Green Building Platform et offisielt lanseringsseminar i Brussel, hvor retningslinjene vil bli presentert. Sjekk programmet her (fransk) or her (Dutch), hvor du også finner en link for å melde deg på.


Europeisk konferanse ESCO Europe 2014

Transparense prosjektet vil bli presentert på den europeiske konferansen ESCO Europe 2014 som finner sted 22-23 januar i Barcelona.

ESCO Europe 2014 samler energientreprenørene (ESCO's) i Europa for å diskutere EPC modeller og resultater, og er den største konferansen i Europa med EPC som tema. De første resultatene fra Transparense blir presentert av Jana Szomolányiová og Vladimír Sochor fra SEVEn. For mer informasjon om komferansen, se www.esco-europe.com/programme.



Site launch

This site has been launched and is ready for translation of texts.