Európsky etický kódex pre Energy Performance Contracting bol dokončený a je k dispozícii na stránke projektu Transparense! Európsky etický kódex pre Energy Performance Contracting...
Spoločné výskumné centrum Európskej komisie analyzuje a skúma aktivity a vývoj ESCO spoločností ako súčasť Vedecko-techníckého referenčného systému o obnoviteľných zdrojoch...
Transparense project will be presented at the European conference ESCO Europe 2014 that will take place in January 22-23 in Barcelona. ESCO Europe 2014 will bring together Europe's ESCOs to discuss...

Transparense will be presented at the European conference ESCO Europe 2014, January 22-23 in Barcelona

01. 01. 2014

Transparense project will be presented at the European conference ESCO Europe 2014 that will take place in January 22-23 in Barcelona.

ESCO Europe 2014 will bring together Europe's ESCOs to discuss EPC business models and results at Europe's largest conference dedicated to energy performance contracting. Initial results from the Transparense project will be presented by Jana Szomolányiová and Vladimír Sochor, SEVEn. For more information about the conference, please visit